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All About Pests

Mice & Rat Control

If you think that your home has a rat problem, then knowing how to identify what type of rats you have can make it easier for you to trap them. Of course, if you think you have a rat infestation, you’ll want to schedule a pest control service right away. The following are the three most commonly found types of rodents in Florida and how you can identify them.

Rats and mice are important rodent pests entering Florida homes for food and harborage. These rodents eat any kind of food that people eat. They also contaminate 10 times as much food as they eat, with urine, droppings and hair. They can carry at least 10 different kinds of diseases including bubonic plague, murine typhus, spirochetal jaundice, Leptospirosis, rabies, ratbite fever, and bacterial food poisoning. Rats and mice also start fires by gnawing matches and electrical wires in homes. The Norway rat, roof rat and house mouse are the most persistent rodent populations in need of control

Common Household Pests

We know about pests and you can too.
Visit our Pest Library for information on the habits and habitats of some of the most common pests, plus easy ways to control them.

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